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TheLifeCo Blog

sunshine in the forest

How to Deal With Uncertainty Of Life?

When you can not control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is. Resilience Building to Deal with Uncertainty Be

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what is water fasting
Water Fasting

What is a Water Diet?

‘Fasting is a fiery weapon.’ Mahatma Gandhi Fasting has been used both as a religious and medical practice for thousands of years. Ancient Chinese, Greek, and Roman physicians suggested fasting

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lose weight on vegan diet
Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight on a Vegan Diet

Losing excess weight is one of the most important steps to improve health and life. Today, there are various diet plans available to achieve successful weight loss. The vegan diet

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aircrew wellness
Immune System

How to Stay Healthy as an Aircrew

In 2019, being an aircrew member was ranked the 3rd most stressful occupation. Hectic schedules, long flights under higher altitudes, and cabin air contamination increase occupational, both mental and physical

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5 Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu
Immune System

5 Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu

The ultimate goal of us become the highest form of ourselves; happy, healthy, and balanced. However, sometimes we get sick. This article will talk about how to prevent and care for a cold or flu.

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How to Avoid Getting Sick: Facts About Viruses
Immune System

Facts About Viruses

Viruses are strange creatures. Biologists have struggled with how to relate them to the conventional tree of life. They are complicated organic matter, either living or non-living. However, they can

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