Diabetes Recovery Program

Control / Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Manage your blood sugar levels and reduce the need for type 2 diabetes medication at TheLifeCo

Therapeutic Nutrition
Healthy Weight Loss
Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
Soothing Environment
Effective Detoxification
Natural Treatments
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AT THELIFECO, You Can Do it Too!

Amazing Results Without Medication

Alistair has joined one of our retreats before and is sharing his emotional story with us. Change may be closer than you think!

Get great results in less time with professional support

✓ Prevent, control, and reverse diabetes through lifestyle changes 

Stop relying on medications to control your blood sugar

Lower your fasting blood glucose, A1c, and cholesterol with a satisfying nutrition plan

Personalized program and proffesional monitoring  

Get motivated and inspired to create long-lasting change

Break free from your old habits and adopt new healthy ones

✓ Break the cycle of self-sabotage and resistance to change

✓ Reprogram your mind to transcend your mental and emotional hurdles

✓ Rise above roadblocks like procrastination and self-doubt

Have boundless energy to make the most of every day

Enjoy the activities that will keep you mobile, fluid and free of aches and pains 

Learn fun, easy, and effective fitness routines to turn into a glucose-burning machine

Have higher levels of energy, clarity and feelings of mental and physical lightness

✓ Attend yoga, meditation, sound healing, breathwork sessions

What are Biohacking Techniques and Methods?

Your "Reverse Diabetes" Retreat Will Include

🔸 Diabetic Healthy Nutrition Plans

🔸 Body Analysis and Medical Consultations

🔸 Personal Coaching and Exercise Sessions

🔸 Expert Talk on Diabetes Prevention & Management

🔸 Workshop on Nutrition and Raw Food

🔸 Comprehensive Wellbeing Treatments

🔸 Healing Massages, Yoga and Meditation

🔸 Deep Breathing Exercise for Diabetes

🔸 Sustained Guidance After the Retreat

The Choice is Yours

We understand that every individual has different needs when it comes to their diabetes care. That’s why we offer two different types of nutrition plans – both of which are based on your specific requirements. 

You will chose your meal plan after a consultation with our doctors and wellness consultants to get the most benefit.

Our diabetes retreat can provide you with the support and resources you need to make the best choices for your health.

TheLifeCo Wellbeing

You Can Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a significant health problem worldwide that occurs due to an adverse change in the body at the cellular and physiological level due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and bad dietary habits. For a healthier life, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of diabetes instead of the symptoms.

We have designed Diabetes Recovery Program to help manage and reverse diabetes type 2 by fixing its root causes. Supported by detox and healthy eating plans and our medical expertise, this program will help restore health and balance to those already with type 2 diabetes.

Complete Recovery from Type 2 Diabetes is Possible!

About 90-95% of people in the world have type 2 diabetes. Although it starts as a lifestyle condition, it can become a chronic disease, followed by heart attacks, strokes, circulatory problems, blindness, and kidney failure. The good news is that you can lower/control blood sugar levels and even partially reverse type 2 diabetes without medication.

During the program, you will detoxify, switch to a healthier diet, and receive the support your body needs with therapies and IV applications. Your entire process will be monitored and supported by our medical team and program coordinators. Moreover, you will have a better understanding of how to manage your condition. We apply four fundamental health principles to treat type 2 diabetes:


Cleansing Toxins from the Body

Detoxifying the body from accumulated toxins with a cleanse or fast is essential to deal with the causes of type 2 diabetes. With a minimum 1-week detox program at TheLifeCo, like Master Cleanse, Green Juice or Water Fasting program, you can lower blood sugar levels, eliminate hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and control blood sugar.

During the detox, many activities such as exercises and morning walk under our experts’ guidance will help balance blood sugar and increase your energy levels. In addition, your mg/dl values ​​are monitored regularly throughout your program.

Balanced and Therapeutic Nutrition

After the blood sugar levels start to return to normal through removing toxins, the program is continued with a balanced diet plan in which carbohydrate intake is restricted. This plan consists of raw foods with high nutritional value. Thus, the body is fed well in terms of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Your healthy nutrition plan does not include any simple carbohydrate intake. Because carbohydrate restriction accelerates balancing insulin levels and gradually reversing diabetic effects. When your insulin levels are balanced, your healing process begins.

Antioxidant and Natural Therapies

It has been scientifically proven that increasing the number of antioxidants in the body supports the recovery of type 2 diabetes. That’s why we offer antioxidant IV therapies such as Ozone and Glutathione at TheLifeCo to help regenerate your body and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Enema and colon hydrotherapy support the body’s cleansing process by helping to remove toxins accumulated in the colon from the body. You can have these therapies during your program after the initial consultation with your program coordinator and our doctors.

A Stress-Free, Healing Atmosphere

The leading causes of type 2 diabetes include stress, anxiety and lack of motivation. If you are surrounded by toxic stimulants, your healing journey becomes tough. TheLifeCo centers provide you with a peaceful environment and psychological support to increase your motivation throughout your healing journey. Our experienced medical team is available 24/7 for all your needs at our facilities.

With the mindfulness support you will receive and activities such as meditation, yoga, massage and spa you can participate in, stress will be replaced by peace and relaxation. Keep in mind that like-minded people, an experienced team, will surround you. So when you feel demotivated, we will be there to keep you on track.

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Included Services

Learn More About Our Program

You can make an inquiry by filling the reservation form. Once you fill the form our team will get in touch with you to inform you about diabetes treatment programs

Diabetes Treatment Program

Therapies that Support Your Program

Therapies and services below will accelerate your weight loss process by increasing the effectiveness of the diabetes treatment program.

Infrared Sauna

An infrared Sauna provides natural heat to the body. With the infrared heat system, fat burning accelerates in the body. While the heat can penetrate 5 mm below the skin in classical stove-type saunas, the heat can easily break down fat cells by acting up to 4 cm below the skin in infrared saunas. So you can burn up to 700 calories in a session & speed up your weight loss process.

Doctor Consultation

Face-to-face meetings with our doctor at TheLifeCo centers will help you choose the right program and therapies for your needs and health goals.

Colon Cleansing

Daily colon cleansing provides an effective way to clean your colon, which helps significant weight loss by removing toxic waste. Regular colon cleansing has various benefits, especially during the master detox program. Psyllium husk powder and bentonite clay in the shakes accelerates toxic release and Colon Cleansing becomes necessary to release these toxins.

Biophoton Therapy

Biophoton therapy uses the healing power of light in certain parts of the body to affect hormones and cells. It increases the production of endorphin and serotonin hormones.

Which Benefits will You Achieve?

Diabetes Recovery Program is prepared wholly based on your needs by our experts.

It contains detox and nutrition plans, effective therapies and health-enhancing natural methods to helps you to reach balanced blood sugar and blood pressure levels, healthy weight loss, detoxification and stress relief, as well as many benefits such as below:

Bodrum common area photo

‘‘My blood sugar won't go up anymore!’’

‘‘Diabetes Recovery Program at TheLifeCo was successful for me. I was very tired before I decided to join a program at TheLifeCo. Now, I am in top form!’’

Why Choose Diabetes Recovery Program at TheLifeCo?

With many success stories in the past years, our diabetes recovery program helped individuals to balance their blood sugar levels. They have gained the consciousness of how to maintain a lifestyle that will lead them to a healthier state. This program also aims to guide the guests about healthy lifestyle choices. Private consultations, lectures, workshops, and additional printed materials support are brought together to support post-treatment life. That means you will leave TheLifeCo with a comprehensive experience. And this experience will help you manage your condition and maintain optimum wellbeing.

Result Oriented Approach

You will award-winning and the most result-oriented detox programs in Europe. Since 2005, we help guests worldwide reach their health goals with many special programs and a holistic approach. Join one of our programs and experience true well-being in Europe.

Medical and Professional Guidance

Our medical team of doctors with expertise provides medical supervision to our guests with a solution-focused approach. They bring their knowledge and experience together for your personalized needs during diabetes treatment.

Join Anytime That Suits You

We are ready to have you anytime you want at TheLifeCo. Our three centers and the team of experts are at your disposal year-round. The best time to start your transformation is today!


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the blood sugar level (glucose) is higher than the average level. Blood glucose is the primary source of energy for the body.

To get glucose from the food we eat, we need sugar reducing hormone made in the pancreas. Sometimes the body cannot produce enough or use this hormone well. Because of that, glucose stays in the blood and cannot reach the cells. Having too much glucose in the blood can lead to health problems, including diabetes.

Diabetes food plan

Symptoms That Can Lead You to Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms depend on how much blood sugar your body produces. Some people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes may not even show any signs. Whereas in type 1, symptoms may appear more quickly and be more serious. Some of the clues that can lead you to type 1 or type 2 diabetes are:

Reverse Diabetes in 2 Weeks

‘‘It is possible to control diabetes with the right meal plan and a 2 – 3 week detox program.”

Thomas Lodi, MD, Integrative Oncologist

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FAQ about Diabetes and Diabetes Treatment Program

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough or effectively use sugar reducing hormone. Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed in childhood. It is not associated with excess body weight and cannot be controlled without taking sugar reducing hormone.

Unlike type 1, type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in over 30-year-olds and often associated with excess body weight. It is essential to understand that type 2 diabetes is simply the body’s modifications at a cellular and physiological level to accommodate a poor lifestyle and diet. It might be possible to come off diabetes medication with the right type of lifestyle. 


This type usually occurs early in life. Type 1 diabetes is associated with a complete inability to produce sugar-reducing hormones. It could not be reversed Unless the person were to come within the first several months of diagnosis. Our Diabetes Recovery program aims to lower sugar, reducing hormone requirements and restoring vitality. This program will help you to be less dependent on medication. Moreover, it will quickly balance your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels and provide excellent weight loss results.


Unhealthy eating habits and obesity can cause a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. On type 2, the pancreas can produce sugar-reducing hormones, but the cells are resistant to it. Through a plant-based, balanced diet, your cells can increase their ability to receive this hormone. Thus your body can deal with the causes of type 2 diabetes. You can gradually slow down and even reverse diabetes effects through our Diabetes Recovery Program.;


Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that consists of high blood glucose during pregnancy. Even it usually disappears after pregnancy; it may cause complications to both mother and child. More importantly, their children are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.


We can add prediabetes as the 4th type of diabetes because it affects many people in society and can be seen as a warning sign that leads to type 2 diabetes. Blood sugar levels that are higher than average but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes may indicate that you have prediabetes. You may have some of the symptoms of diabetes or even some of the complications. Therefore, you must follow a treatment plan with a diet and exercise routine before it turns into type 2 diabetes. Even small changes can have a significant impact on managing the disease or preventing it.

Today, the number of people with diabetes is around 400 million globally, and it is increasing every day. 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 live with diabetes. Among the diabetes cases in adults, 90-95% are diagnosed as type 2. In the past several years, type 2 diabetes has increased to an epidemic and even pandemic proportions. It is now one of the greatest threats to health worldwide. Furthermore, we are finding adolescents and children developing this condition, not just older adults.

It doesn’t happen suddenly, “It picks up gradually.” Most people are unaware that they have diabetes in its early or even middle phases. Treating diabetes early can help prevent serious complications.

You might be a candidate already! Does the following sound familiar?

  • You need to take more bathroom breaks
  • You have lost a little weight
  • You are getting thirstier than usual dry mouth and itchy skin
  • You feel shaky and hungry
  • You feel tired all the time
  • Your cuts and scrapes heal more slowly

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as;

  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Stroke
  • Eye problems
  • Foot problems
  • Dental problems

Diabetes management is a combination of methods that analyse the causes of diabetes, following detox & healthy nutrition plans created by an expert MD. This way, you can manage type 2 diabetes and reduce your need to use regular diabetes medication.

The duration depends upon the person’s willingness. 7 days is good for balancing hormones and blood sugar values. We advise at least 14 days for a more profound impact, and 21 days would offer a life-changing benefit.

Professional support is essential for TheLifeCo philosophy. At all of our centers, we have doctors, nurses and certified medical staff in addition to nutritionists and detox consultants. Our programs are tailor-made for our guest’s requirements.
Our medical team will monitor you throughout your program to get the maximum benefit from any of our programs. Doctors on-site during the day will answer your questions. You can meet with many other professionals in the fields of physical fitness, breathing therapy, healthy cooking, yoga, and meditation.

A holistic wellbeing center like TheLifeCo, which consists of a experienced and renowned medical team, or any clinic which supported people to overcome and manage diabetes for years, will be the right diabetes treatment center to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes condition.

We have 2 centers in Europe, namely TheLifeCo Bodrum and TheLifeCo Antalya and 1 center in Thailand, TheLifeCo Phuket. We suggest you consider the travel time required as all of our centers offer the same service at the highest quality. There are direct flight options available from many major cities in Europe and Asia and the MENA region.

You can apply to any of the centers, and our representatives will inform you about other center possibilities.

Two commonly known diabetes types need extensive treatment if not appropriately managed. While a complete recovery from diabetes is not possible if you have type 1 diabetes, there is a chance to fully recover from diabetes if it’s type 2 diabetes, with a healthy diet & nutrition plan and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Learn More About Our Program

You can make an inquiry by filling the reservation form. Once you fill the form our team will get in touch with you to inform you about diabetes treatment programs

Articles on Diabetes Recovery